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How to use the Mobility Online Portal This portal displays the exchange possibilities within the mobility programmes of the University of Vienna. They are based on agreements between the University of Vienna and the partner universites. Details of the respective agreements such as language requirements and open spots for the different study cycle are displayed in the detailed view of the agreements. Contact information of the University‘s mobility coordinators can also be found in the detailed view of the agreements.
Erasmus+ Student Mobility academic year 2023/24

General information

This is an overview of the Erasmus+ partner universities of the University of Vienna. If you have any questions about the agreements or on how to use this portal, please contact erasmus.incoming@univie.ac.at .

Information on how to use this portal
Choose your home university from the drop down menu next to „home university“ and then click on „show details.” You can find more information about language requirements and the contact details of the mobility coordinators in the detail view of the agreement (click on the info-icon next to “Universität Wien”).

Preselection exchange possibilities - Incoming - Student




Based on the selected restrictions 26 Exchange possibilities in 4 Countries, 6 Partner institutions and 84 Study fields are available.

Show partner in OpenStreetMap